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Roland Diehl Presents Research at Science Lecture


On May 24, 2024, Professor Roland Diehl from the Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik was invited to the 152nd Science Lecture at the College of Science. He delivered a lecture titled "Cosmic Nucleosynthesis and Gamma-Ray Line Spectroscopy,” chaired by Professor Weiping Liu of the Department of Physics, SUSTech. The event was also part of the symposium for the Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics in China (INAC).


Professor Diehl discussed the evolution of various groups of nuclides in the cosmos. Elements are progressively produced by nucleosynthesis as protons and neutrons gradually join the nucleus in different cosmic events, such as the Big Bang, Type I and II supernovae, and AGB stars. These processes can be classified into big-bang, hydrostatic (stellar-interior), and explosive (stellar-explosion) dynamics. He also explained how gamma-ray lines, resulting from the decay of radioactive isotopes, provide evidence for these models. Despite a high cosmic ray background, the average detection efficiency is one event per hour.

Supernovae and their gravitational collapse play a crucial role in heavy element synthesis, allowing physicists to examine decay information to refine the supernova model. Professor Diehl also mentioned the work of JUNA in China in measuring nuclear reaction rates to further constrain the supernova model.

After the lecture, Professor Diehl received many interesting questions and comments from the audience. His talk also attracted over 2600 online participants.

At the conclusion of the lecture, Professor Weiping Liu presented Professor Roland Diehl with an honorary certificate.
