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SUSTech Scientist Tiangang TANG Win Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholar Award

Pei WANG     2020-10-28

Recently, Qiu Shi Science & Technology Foundation announced the “Outstanding Young Scholar Award” winner list in 2020, with 12 scholars winning the prize. Tiangang YANG, assistant professor of the Chemistry Department is one of the 2020 award laureates.

Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholar Award was set up in 1995 at the initiative of five leading scientists, namely Xingshen CHEN, Zhenning YANG, Guangzhao ZHOU, Yuanzhe LI, and Yuewei JIAN. It awards outstanding young researchers engaged in basic research in the mainland of China.

In 2013, Qiu Shi Foundation launched the “Qiu Shi Outstanding Young Scholar Award” as a new program to support domestic universities in attracting top talents worldwide and assist young scientists. It aims to cultivate future leaders for China’s science and technology development in the next two decades.

The award laureate this year in College of Science demonstrates solid progress in our talent cultivation and the enhancement in our talent competence.  


Tiangang YANG received B.Sc from Department of Physics at Dalian University of Technology in 2009. He completed his Ph.D work at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. His did his postdoc research in Department of Physics and Astronomy at University of California. Los Angeles (UCLA) from 2016 to 2019. His research has been focusing on dynamical resonances in chemical reactions, quantum effect in low-temperature interstellar chemistry and cold ion-molecule reaction dynamics. He is a tenure-track assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) since November 2019.