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News & Upcoming Events

Prof.He Heyong: the Application of Solid-state NMR in Heterogeneous Catalysis


On the afternoon of November 7, 2019, Professor He Heyong, Head of the Department of Chemistry of Fudan University, was invited to come to SUSTech and attend the 24th Science Lectureof the College of Sciences, giving our teachers and students a wonderful academic report themed "Application of solid-state NMR in heterogeneous catalysis" in Room 110, the Lecture Hall of School Library. This lecture was chaired by Professor Huang Limin from the Department of Chemistry of the College of Sciences.

Prof. George Schatz: Quantum Effects and Plasmonics


George C. Schatz is Charles E. and Emma H. Morrison Professor of Chemistry at Northwestern University. He also has a courtesy appointment in Chemical and Biological Engineering and is associated with the Applied Physics Program.

Dr.Kurt M. Strack Using Geo-electromagnetic Methods in a Responsible Way to Support Humanity and Minimize Ca


Dr. K.M. Strack is president of KMS Technologies- KJT Enterprises Inc. The Russian Academy of Science elected him a Foreign Member.

Dennis K. J. Lin Ghost Data


Dr. Dennis K. J. Lin is a university distinguished professor of supply chain and statistics at Penn State University.

David A. Leigh: Making the Tinest Machines


" He introduced Brownian ratcheting mechanism into the model of compound linkage molecular machine, and proposed that the components of [2]catenane should be regarded as orbital and orbital devices respectively. "

Dr. Dennis k. J. Lin shares the mystery of ghost data


" Big data have four aspects,which can be summarized as four "V"s: Volume (Data at Rest), Velocity (Data in Motion), Variety (Data in Many Forms) and Veracity (Data in Doubt). It is meaningless if we consider a very huge data set. "