SUSTech Xiaofei Chen’s group publishes latest research results of geophysical exploration in East Antarctic
Recently, the research group of Professor Xiaofei Chen from the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) published two geophysical exploration results on the East Antarctic region. The first paper, entitled “Measurement of ice flow velocities from GPS positions logged by short-period seismographs in East Antarctica,” was published in Science China-Earth Sciences.
SUSTech Chuang-Chuang Li’s group publishes top-tier research paper on Type II cycloaddition reaction
Recently, Professor Chuang-Chuang Li’s group from the Department of Chemistry at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) first reported a type II intramolecular (3+2) dipolar cycloaddition reaction for the syntheses of various bridged bicyclo[m.n.2] ring systems. This method was used as a key step accomplishment of asymmetric total synthesis of natural product nakafuran-8. The computational study was carried out to explore the regioselectivity, chemoselectivity, and diastereoselectivity of type II (3+2) cycloaddition.
SUSTech Junhao Lin' s group publishes research about large-scale lossless lattice characterization of water-oxygen sensitive 2D materials
Recently, Associate Professor Junhao Lin’s research group from the Department of Physics at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) has published their researches about the large-scale lossless lattice characterization of water-oxygen sensitive 2D materials in Advanced Science. Their paper was entitled “Direct Visualization of large-scale Intrinsic Atomic Lattice Structure and Its Collective Anisotropy in Air-sensitive Monolayer 1T’-WTe2.”
SUSTech Hai-Zhou Lu’s group publishes two new works on nonlinear Hall effect
Recently, Professor Hai-Zhou Lu’s group from the Shenzhen Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (SIQSE) and the Department of Physics at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) published two papers about progress in the quantum theory of the nonlinear Hall effect.
SUSTech Feng He’s group make advances in Organic Solar Cells
Recently, Professor Feng He’s group from the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) made advances in device architecture, polymer photovoltaic materials, and the interface engineering of Organic Solar Cells (OSCs). Several high-quality papers were published in renowned journals such as Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, and Joule, boosting the development of OSCs.
SUSTech Hai-Zhou Lu’s Group publishes two papers on 3D metal-insulator transitions and higher-order topological insulators
Recently, Professor Hai-Zhou Lu’s group from the Department of Physics at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) published two works in Physical Review Letters (PRL). Their papers, entitled “Theory for Magnetic-Field-Driven 3D Metal-Insulator Transitions in the Quantum Limit” and “Field-tunable one-sided higher-order topological hinge states in Dirac semimetals,” goes into detail on progress made in magnetic-field-driven 3D metal-insulator transitions and higher-order topological insulators.