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SUSTech researchers develop a transient yet highly stretchable hydrogel


Shear forces can convert a colloid of tiny solid particles (a sol) into a gel. This process is similar to the biological activities that biological systems are capable of self-healing and could lead to dramatic changes in the smart materials sector.

Understanding of nonlinear Hall Effect improves


Discovered decades ago, the quantum Hall effect remains one of the most studied phenomena in condensed matter physics and is relevant for research areas such as topological phases, strong electron correlations and quantum computing.

Organic chemistry research team invited to publish in Nature Reviews


Nature Reviews – Chemistry is a top review journal for chemistry, from the Nature group of journals. Associate Professor Xu Jing from the Department of Chemistry of Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) was recently invited to publish an article called “Innovation in protecting-group-free natural product synthesis.”

Undergraduate student published for solar cell research


Recently, Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) undergraduate student Zhong Xiaowei from the Department of Chemistry had a paper published in an internationally renowned academic journal Macromolecules, with the paper titled “Synergistic Effect of Chlorination and Selenophene: Achieving Elevated Solar Conversion in Highly Aggregated Systems.”

Thermoelectric material performance improves dramatically


Thermoelectric materials are among the important potential candidates for alternative and complementary sources for energy, wherein heat can be directly converted into electrical energy and vice versa. These materials are realistic operational materials for applications in thermoelectric generators and refrigerators. Recent studies have started examining their efficiency in smaller, flexible devices, in hope of revolutionizing the thermoelectric power generation field.

Improved treatment for heightened arterial blood pressure in lungs comes closer


Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a condition where the blood pressure in the arteries in the lung is higher than it should be. It is a serious problem and at this point in time, the cause is unknown. With various treatment options requiring injections into the skin, much like a diabetic might take insulin, there has been significant research into the best way to properly synthesize the more complex components of these drugs.